The Old Marlburian Golfing Society

Public Schools Putting

Fri, June 18, 2021 2:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The OMGS were runners up in the Public Schools Putting competition played at Royal Wimbledon GC on Thursday 17th June on their lightning fast putting green losing to St Pauls by one measly point. This is a great effort as it is a very difficult competition to do well in.

The competition is normally 4 players per side but only 3 this year due to COVID restrictions.  8 schools participate on 4 successive days playing all against all and the top two schools on each day qualify for the final. To add additional pressure to an already nerve wracking occasion, the bottom two teams on each qualifying day get excluded from the following year’s competition. In addition there is a playoff to decide ties to establish who goes forward to the final or who gets excluded. It is very good for your pressure putting.

Anyway we won the qualifier with 35 points, 4 better than the next school. Those who participated for the OMGS were; Elliot Matthews, Jim Hewer and Jack Naylor (who was second in the overall list of points scorers with 11 points).

In the final our team was; Elliot Matthews, Angus Murray and Tom Macfarlane

The chap on the left is the RWGC captain who presented the prizes. We scored 35 points (coincidentally the same as in the qualifying) and Tom won all his games to score a maximum of 14 points which is a very rare achievement. Unfortunately, St Pauls scored 36 points to pip us by 1 point on the last round.

A good evening was had by all and thanks to Chris Dowling for organising the OMGS side and supporters; OMGS Captain Bob Percival and coach and proud Dad, Charlie Macfarlane.

Bob Carrick

Hon Sec

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